Thursday, March 24, 2011

TalkAndroid Mini App Review: Androidify

Androidify is a Google-made app that easily allows you to create yourself or your friends as Andy’s! You can dress up your Andy’s, add accessories, and easily export your works of art to various online sharing platforms.
In this mini app review, I’ll be highlighting all the fun features of Androidify with screenshots and provide a download link down at the bottom. Stay tuned!
Making an Andy with Androidify

Making your own custom Andy with Androidify is quite fun and easy to do. Pictured above is the classic Andy that the app lets you start with. From here, the sky’s the limit! You can drag your fingers in different directions to mess with the proportions of your Andy’s body. Tapping the bottom of the screen will pull up the different options for skin tone, clothing, hair, and accessories.
Customizing an Andy with Androidify

Now on to the really fun part: customizing your Andy! There is a plethora of options for customization. Seriously guys, you can make pretty much any kind of Andy you want. Options range from blue hair to pirate hats. Argh! A recent update to Androidify has fixed some bugs as well as added more accessories and female hairstyles at your disposal. Shown above is my pretty punk rock lookin’ Andy; let’s call him Sid. Hitting the dedicated menu button on your Android device will pull up a menu that allows you to share, save, make new Andy’s, or view other creations. You can also randomize Andy’s if you want to see what the app can create.
Exporting your creations with Androidify

I’ve got Sid all decked out and customized exactly how I want him; now what? Share your creation, of course! Androidify makes sharing your created Andy’s super easy. Just hit the menu key on your phone, hit share, and voila! Many options should come up, such as Facebook, Twitter, online albums, text messaging, and more. I suggest you make your family and friends as Andy’s and share it with them! ;)
Overall, Androidify is a fun app that every Android enthusiast should have installed on their devices. It’s entertaining and easy to use, and best of all Androidify is free in the Android Market! Try it out and let us know how you like it or share your creations with us!

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