Friday, March 25, 2011

HTC locks Incredible S bootloader – No custom ROMS

It looks like a new trend is beginning with HTC. First it was the Thunderbolt and now it looks like the Incredible S has a signed bootloader and recovery image. This means you will not be able to install custom ROMS unless someone discovers a viable workaround.
If you are somehow able to flash a custom recovery to your phone, HTC’s signature check will kick in. If the signature check sees anything other then the stock HTC key, you will not be allowed to access recovery, which means you cannot flash custom ROMS.
This lockdown is something new at HTC so the androidpolice contacted HTC at CTIA. They were told it was from carrier pressure. If the Incredible S is an unlocked GSM device, how could a carrier cause this? It sounds like they could be fed up with warranty claims of bricked phones from failed mods. Motorola adopted this same strategy last year. I had heard that there were a lot of claims for bricked Droids and that was most likely the cause for their change of heart. Either way, it sounds like this will be the norm for HTC moving forward.
[via androidpolice]

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